Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The end of a segment

Well, there are some gaps, but you can see that we have hooked back up with Texas from the working years.  We apologize to Tennessee, Kansas, Arkansas and the northern states.

We'll catch you next year, as well as the Canadian provinces.

So, now we are in Texas, working our way west along the south.  We'll stop for longer stops in Arizona and southern California.   For any one who lives there ..... see y'all there.

On the mend

As homes are being repaired, the city of New Orleans is having the replacement houses built higher than on their pad.  But many homeowners are taking the initiative to repair AND elevate.

Scenes from Katrina

There is still a ton of damage left from Katrina.  The biggest issues is not insurance, but home ownership.  If a person can't prove they own their home (which may have been handed down from generations), the residents can't collect the insurance nor collect any government help.

From what we heard from the locals, Katrina hit so fast.  There had been 2 false alarms with other storms.  Katrina was heading for Florida and swerved at the last minute and picked up speed.

The top 2 pictures are of the nineth ward which got water up to, or over, the roofs.  The arrow on the top picture shows how roofs are collapsing in time.

The bottom picture shows a house in a middle income area.  The water was 6' high, as you can see by the watermark.